Questions and Answers : Windows

Questions and Answers : Windows

ThreadsPostsAuthorViewsLast post
readNVIDIA Tesla K80 do not want to work. Win 10 64bit
1 chr80 397 30 Apr 2022
readNVidia drivers updated, but not working on WU
2 DavidWB 747 20 Mar 2022
readAMD GPU work units coming?
1 Peter Hucker of the Scottish Boinc Team 423 17 Mar 2022
readNew Nvidia 3080 graphic card showing 0% GPU use
8 WorldComposting 2418 24 Feb 2022
readIs it possible to use multiple cpus to run tasks faster
1 Number Cruncher 473 12 Feb 2022
readProblems with client in Windows 7 - app does not stop even after upload
4 RA 1134 5 Dec 2021
readCalculation error...
5 Plejaden 1368 28 Nov 2021
read3 times longer runtimes under Win 11?
7 newman 2053 25 Oct 2021
1 jaczar 513 23 Oct 2021
readLong run times on second GPU
5 Fardringle 1689 29 Aug 2021
readExit status -1073741515 (0xC0000135) STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND
15 Dr Who Fan 4020 27 Aug 2021
readExit status ... dll file (ucrtbase.DLL) not found - MLDS v9.90
2 Dr Who Fan 837 27 Aug 2021
readNew Windows CPU client in mldstest (9.90)
4 pianoman [MLC@Home Admin] 1342 12 Aug 2021
readComputation errors on 2080 Ti
6 joeybuddy96 1984 14 Jul 2021
readMy GTX 760 Wont compute with tasks
5 TheFanMan64 1521 13 Jun 2021
readValidation error on GPU task done on a 1650
2 TheFanMan64 767 11 Jun 2021
readlong runtimes
4 Werinbert 1681 25 Apr 2021
readGPU running idle most of the time
4 erich56 1513 22 Apr 2021
readProblems with Win 10 and NVidia 1080
8 zioriga 2741 11 Apr 2021
readmultiple cuda tasks
5 JohnMD 1835 27 Jan 2021
read6 invalid wu's
8 alex 2991 2 Jan 2021
readJust one windows machine with errors
12 zombie67 [MM] 15421 12 Nov 2020
readRand_automata time remaining
2 [VENETO] boboviz 1111 20 Oct 2020
readUnknown error code
7 Plejaden 2694 18 Sep 2020
readSome errors
4 [VENETO] boboviz 1927 17 Sep 2020
readIssues with VC redist on windows client
11 pianoman [MLC@Home Admin] 4677 23 Aug 2020
readWork fetch
7 Henk Haneveld 2867 16 Aug 2020
readWindows app up for testing! Report issues here
14 pianoman [MLC@Home Admin] 5570 14 Jul 2020
readThoughts on windows requirements?
2 pianoman [MLC@Home Admin] 1423 6 Jul 2020
readProgress report on Windows client
1 pianoman [MLC@Home Admin] 842 5 Jul 2020
readJust need a Windows App
2 Bill F 1263 4 Jul 2020

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