Posts by STE\/E

1) Questions and Answers : Windows : Just one windows machine with errors (Message 805)
Posted 11 Nov 2020 by STE\/E
Any idea why this one machine is throwing nothing but errors, with test units, both CPU and GPU?

Edit: To be clear, no errors on any other projects at all.

Same Problem here >>>

Only Box I can seem to get any on & they all error out after 20-30 seconds ...
2) Questions and Answers : Windows : Windows app up for testing! Report issues here (Message 170)
Posted 14 Jul 2020 by STE\/E
Guess I should have looked a bit closer as my Windows Vista X64 PC had not received any test work and when finally did the results all failed immediately upon start up.

Exit status -1073741511 (0xC0000139) STATUS_ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND.

I get the same error on one of my Windows 7 Pro Box's, another Win 7 Pro one runs fine & my Windows 10 Laptop never has received any Wu's so don't know if the Wu's will run on it or not ...

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