Posts by jozef j

1) Message boards : News : Badges! (Message 582)
Posted 4 Oct 2020 by jozef j
affect host RAC calculations but user RAC..... WE --CPU -- donators are on boinc projects years under-credited or "underRAC" ted,,,, while gpu project like collatz use rac hamsters to get up in top world "
why projects owners are sooo ***** on increasing RAC for cpu donators??? this can make projects atractive for users and get more users to their own project.
really, project owners are not good "managers"" ...) in real woorld they will just loose in one day and bankrupt ,, in competence of others,,, just think what i try just explaine to all,,,,,,
simply increase RAC for cpu projects 1000 times ! you can do it easy , just up ratio in datab..
its really shame for us who use just cpu ,,becouse you dont develop gpu app.
2) Message boards : News : Badges! (Message 578)
Posted 4 Oct 2020 by jozef j
Hi, no badges for us ?? ))
3) Message boards : Cafe : Badges (Message 69)
Posted 3 Jul 2020 by jozef j
Badges Badges Badges ! ,,,, -))

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