Members of

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) TECHNIK7 179,454 20.69 Germany
2) respawner 5,720,036 19.40 Germany
3) gemini8 2,082,893 9.12 Germany
4) psyk2152 189,642 1.30 Germany
5) aiii 65,570 1.08 Germany
6) Jan 1,189,696 0.53 Switzerland
7) bruecjo1 245,775 0.44 Germany
8) TheJohnny16[CPU] 565,189 0.37 Germany
9) Martin Rieger 510,380 0.10 Germany
10) duftkerze 10,839 0.10 Germany
11) TotoR 300,277 0.10 Germany
12) pi4-8g 1,919 0.10 Germany
13) Stiwi 13,439 0.10 Germany
14) Aflatoxin 9,796,798 0.10
15) Aberforth 119,908 0.10 Germany
16) freemint 3,120 0.10 Germany
17) Drifter 508,929 0.10 Denmark
18) declis 26,335 0.10 Germany
19) joe carnivore 741,522 0.10 Germany
20) dj 1,020,159 0.10 Germany
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A project of the Cognition, Robotics, and Learning (CORAL) Lab at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)